Thursday, March 11, 2010

Future Careers... Think About It!

What do you want to be when you get older? There are so many different choices to chose from for a future career. I want to be a marine biologist. A marine biologist is a person that dives deep into the ocean to search for new creatures or new plants, anything that no one has seen before. It's a high paying job, but for me that really isn't what matters. I just want to do something that I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life. I did some research on marine biology and it says that most of the colleges that are good for are most on the east coast. It takes about 5 years of college to get to be a marine biologist. Now, if you are interested in something different, like my best friend Summer wants to become a doctor. She wants to do that because she thinks it is something that she would enjoy. She also got inspired to become a doctor when her grandmother, whom she loves dearly, was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Now Summer is determined. She knows how hard it is, how long college is for it, and how devoted she has to be to it, but that's just part of growing up. I think she will do well in her career, mostly because she is picking something that she wants to do, and I think that is the most important thing.